A very short documentary about two filmmakers setting up a light outside in the dead of winter.
2020 | 2’07
About The Film
Jon Stromberg and Andrew Gitomer stayed at my house in the winter of 2018 in order to film pickup shots for a narrative feature, called “Missing Persons.” The evening documented here was spent shooting in my driveway in snowy, zero degree weather in order to get one cutaway shot. I admire their dedication.
I think just about anyone who has spent more than a few minutes on an independent film set will fondly recognize the kind of minor, passive aggressive bickering on display here.
The sound was recorded using the internal microphone on my Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, which is notoriously bad for recording audio. The camera has a lowpass filter built in, presumably to mute the chirping sound caused by its processor. In mixing the film, I attempted to restore as much of the lost high end as I could and accentuate the noises the camera is trying to suppress.
This weekend was also the source of one of the films in my daily short film series, which you can watch here.
More information about Jon and Andy’s films is available on their website.