News / 10.2.24
Hear all Seven of my Summer Singles
Starting this past March I released a series of singles, one each month for seven months. They’re all now available and I’ll be taking a pause on releasing new music until next year. All these tracks are available on most streaming platforms and/or anywhere else you can find music on the internet. Here’s a rundown of all of them:
March - Private Witness
Private Witness came about the way a lot of my music does: through a broadly planned but specifically random process. I think this was the quickest track to come together and it’s all synths and soft effects.
April - Unknowable Images
Unknowable Images took a long time to complete. The above video gives a look into the process, done entirely in Adobe Premiere and very similar to the way I was making music fifteen years ago. the source material comes from a beautiful rendition of “Shepherd Star” that I found on a CD I picked up at a thrift store.
June - Capturing Your Loved Ones
This track was composed for a recent film of mine, and was made by taking a cue that appears earlier in the film and slowing and layering it upon itself. The process was similar to how I made Private Witness.
May - It Was All Fake
I think I started work on this track sometime in 2018, and had it mostly complete around then too. But something about it wasn’t quite finished, and so I let it sit for several years. In the interim I created an entirely alternate version using the same samples, before deciding I liked the first iteration better. After a few tweaks this past summer it was finally complete.
July - A Copy of a Recreation
Another track I made for a recent film and probably the most “film-score” sounding piece I’ve ever composed. But I’m pretty happy with it.
August - Chardonnay Escape
This track is actually quite old, I think I made it in 2010 or 2011 and it was previously released on a compilation from Crash Symbols. I forget the name of the film that those audio snippets are from and I’m not going to reveal the rest of the source material either.
September - Totality’s End
The final piece in this series was composed to accompany a short film I made using footage of the eclipse in northern Vermont, filmed on a toy video camera. The camera severely glitched out any time it was pointed at the sun resulting in many interesting effects. The music was written in discreet sections, then compiled and finished in Resolve, along with the picture edit. So, the film and the score were created simultaneously.