News / 4.3.24
Stream my newest single “Unknowable Images”
May newest single “Unknowable Images” is out on all major platforms today. It’s the second in a series of monthly singles I’ll be releasing all summer, the first of which (called “Private Witness”) came out last month.
Unknowable Images is a throwback to the kind of music I was making 15 years ago by splicing songs up in Final Cut Pro. This time around I used Premiere and added some additional instrumentation not found in the source sample. The song I sampled is fairly obscure and probably not easily recognizable - all I’ll say is that it’s from a self-released CD I picked up at a thrift store. You can listen here.
If you’re interested in my process, here is a screen capture of the timeline I made it in:
My single from last month was made through a convoluted process that relied heavily on randomness and adaptive tremolo filters. I’ll have another track out in May.